In this post, we are going to explain in detail about Missing Number Reasoning Questions and Answers also included its types like missing number reasoning in circle, rectangle, triangle, and square. According to the government competitive exam, Missing Number is a very important Reasoning topics because it consumed very low time to solve questions when you are knowing proper tips and tricks to solve missing number reasoning questions. Let first know what is a Missing Number In Reasoning also Explain some examples of Missing Number Questions with Answers
What Is an Missing Number In Reasoning
The missing number is a part of the logical reasoning number series that is mostly asked in various competitive exams. the topic of reasoning Missing numbers is all about finding the number of given series with the help of our thinking power. Sometimes most of the students are facing difficulties in solving missing number reasoning questions because they didn’t understand the series sequence of missing number questions. In this post, we provide complete guidance of Missing Number Reasoning Questions and Answers
Missing Number Reasoning Tricks
There are various tips and tricks to solve Missing Number Reasoning Questions but it also depends on your thinking power, Missing number reasoning tricks are given below.
- In a 3×3 or 4×4 Grid:
- Look for integers that are perfect squares or cubes, and then determine whether the missing number matches this sequence.
- The total of the numbers in the crossing rows and columns may provide a hint for the missing number.
- The numbers on the diagonals may rise by the same value or according to a multiplication rule.
- In Circular pattern:
- Look for integers that are perfect squares or cubes, and see if the missing number matches this sequence.
- Numbers may represent squares or cubes of integers. This pattern is very noticeable in circular puzzles.
- Odd numbers may follow one pattern (for example, increase by 3), whereas even numbers may follow another (for example, decrease by 2).
- In a Triangle Pattern:
- The numbers at the bottom may add to the numbers in the upper portions, or the numbers on the sides may subtract to get the middle number.
- The numbers at the base of the triangle could follow a progression where each number is double the one before.
- Easy Tips: To solve any question of Missing Number you must start solving in one direction rather it is clockwise and anticlockwise also vertical and horizontal including its addition, multiplication, division, subtraction. It is the easiest way to understand the sequence of questions.
Missing Number Reasoning Questions And Answers
Let’s start with some Basic Examples of Missing Number Reasoning with answers, that help to increase your logical thinking power to understand the sequence of questions.
Read More Reasoning Post
Missing Number Questions For Bank, SSC and Railway Exams
Q-1. Solved below missing number reasoning questions

a) 35
b) 37
c) 45
d) 47
Q-2. Solved below missing number reasoning

a) 7
b) 5
c) 8
d) 4
Q-3. Find Correct Answer in below missing number reasoning questions

a) 240
b) 84
c) 195
d) 200
Q-4. Solved below missing number questions

a) 5
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8
Q-5. Solved below missing number reasoning questions

a) 5
b) 9
c) 10
d) 21
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⦿ Word Formation Reasoning
⦿ Missing Number Series Questions

About the author
I am Vaibhav Choudhary, Reasoning Teacher by Profession but Blogger by a passion. I would like to share my reasoning knowledge with students those are taking a preparation of government exam or competitive exam.