Order And Ranking Reasoning Questions is the most important and common reasoning topic of any competitive exams. In this post, we covered most important Order And Ranking Questions With Solutions that help to understand what type of questions are asked in exams. In most of government exam like SSC CGL, RRB NTPC, RRB JE, GROUP D, Banking sector and other state level exams questions asked from this topic.
Order And Ranking Questions asked on about rank of person from both end’s of row or line, left and right, top and bottom are mentioned and questions are asked on these information. sometimes the question are based on interchange of position.

Order And Ranking Questions With Solutions
Q-1. Anju is shorter than Shirini and Raghav is taller than Chandu but shorter than Brinda. Shrini is shorter than Chandu so who is the tallest among them?
(A) Shirini
(B) Chandu
(C) Raghu
(D) Brinda
Q-2. Kavya is older than Ganesh, Ganesh is older than Parul, Parul Is younger than Raju, Raju is younger than Ganesh, then who among them is the oldest.
(A) Ganesh
(B) Kavya
(C) Raju
(D) Parul
Q-3. In a row Suresh is 17th from the left and 19th from right then what is the total number of candidates in that row?
(A) 35
(B) 36
(C) 38
(D) 29
Q-4. In a row Mohan is seventh to the right of a myth who is 17th from the right end. What is the rank of Mohan from the right side of the row?
(A) 24
(B) 10
(C) 23
(D) 9
Q-5. In a row of 50 students A is 8th to the right of B who is 13th from left and what is the rank of A from the right side of the row?
(A) 21
(B) 20
(C) 30
(D) 29