50+ Statement and Assumption Reasoning Questions and answers
Statement and Assumption Questions For Competitive Exam
Q-16. Statement:-
Beware of dogs, our dogs do not bark, but they are trained to distinguish between genuine guests and intruders.
I. Barking dogs bite rarely.
II. Our dogs could be dangerous for intruders.
Q-17. Statement:-
This year most of the shops and departmental stores are offering prizes and discounts on purchases to attract customers.
I. The shops and depart mental stores have so far earned a lot of profit, so now they have started sharing it with the customers.
II. Lots of goods are available but the sale is not shooting up. There is no cheer for the customers.
Q-18. Statement:-
Provide mid-day meals to the children in primary schools to increase the number of students attending schools.
I. Mid-day meals will attract the children to the schools.
II. Those children who are otherwise deprived of good food will attend the schools.
Q-19. Statement:-
Please do not use lift while going down – an instruction on the top floor of a five-storey building.
I. While going down, the lift is unable to carry any load.
II. Provision of lift is a matter of facility and not of right.
Q-20. Statement :-
Traffic jams on most of the roads in the city have become a regular feature during monsoon.
I. Material used for road construction cannot withstand the fury of monsoon resulting into innumerable pot holes on the roads.
II. Number of vehicles coming on the roads is much more in monsoon as compared to other seasons.