Arithmetic Reasoning Questions plays most important role in competitive exams. It deals with mathematical problems includes Ratio and proportion, Age, number series, percentage, power, time and distance etc. In this Post, we provide most important examples of Arithmetic Reasoning Questions For SSC CGL with solution that help to understand the method for solving Arithmetic Reasoning Questions And Answers.

Arithmetic Reasoning Questions For SSC CGL
Q-1. Aniket is 5 times older than her sister priya, who is two years less than his brother shyam. If Shyam is 8 years old, then what will be the age of Aniket?
(A) 30 years
(B) 24 years
(C) 40 years
(D) 28 years
Q-2. Rakesh’s age is 10 years less than half of his mother’s age who is 5 years younger than Rakesh’s father. If father age is 45 years old then what is the age of Rakesh?
(A) 20 years
(B) 15 years
(C) 10 years
(D) 5 years
Q-3. When a man had his first son, his age was 32 years. His wife was 35 years of age when his son attended the age of 7 years. Find the age difference between the man and his wife ?
(A) 7 years
(B) 3 years
(C) 5 years
(D) 4 years
Q-4. 5 years ago Shivam’s mother was 3 times as old as Shivam. After 5 years she will be twice as old as Shivam. How old is Shivam today ?
(A) 10 years
(B) 15 years
(C) 20 years
(D) 25 years
Q-5. 50 men can drill 40 holes in 30 days. Then How long will 25 men take to drill 20 holes?
(A) 15 days
(B) 22 days
(C) 30 days
(D) 45 days
Q-6. There are some dogs and some boys at a playground. If the total number of legs is 20 and total number of heads is 7, then find how many boys and dogs are there ?
(A) 2 boys and 5 dogs
(B) 3 boys and 4 dogs
(C) 4 boys and 3 dogs
(D) 5 boys and 2 dogs
Q-7. A father gives some money to his five sons as given below. Find How much money does he give to youngest son?
son. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Rs. 145 100 64 37 ?
(A) Rs. 29
(B) Rs. 25
(C) Rs. 22
(D) Rs. 19
Q-8. The number of Oranges in a container doubles every one minute. If the container is full of oranges in one hour, then when was the container filled half ?
(A) 38 minutes
(B) 55 minutes
(C) 47 minutes
(D) 59 minutes

About the author
I am Vaibhav Choudhary, Reasoning Teacher by Profession but Blogger by a passion. I would like to share my reasoning knowledge with students those are taking a preparation of government exam or competitive exam.