Word analogy reasoning questions it comes under the verbal analogy reasoning questions. word based analogy reasoning is one of the easiest and most important topic for competitive exam like SSC CGL, AFCAT, RRB, Banking etc. In this post, covered Word analogy reasoning questions with solutions that will help to understand relationship between words, also covered multiple types of word analogy examples for easy to score. Lets understand example of word analogy reasoning questions and answers.

What is Word Analogy Reasoning
Word analogy reasoning is about comparing the words to each other and find similarities or relationships between them. It’s like solving a puzzle by figuring out how different words are related to each other. It can be used to improve language skills, expand vocabulary, and enhance critical thinking abilities. Basically, this type of reasoning involves identifying the similarities or connections between the given words and applying these relationship to new situations or concepts. For example, if someone knows that “cat” is to “meow” as “dog” is to “bark,” they can infer that dogs make a similar sound to cats.
Shortly, When you know how words are connected, you can figure out the right answer from the choices that make sense. Let’s understand example of word analogy reasoning questions and answers.
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Word Analogy Reasoning Questions and Answers
Direction: In the given following questions, select the related word from the given alternatives.
Q-1. Sleep : Rest :: Play : ?
सोना : आराम :: खेल : ?
(a) Enjoyment / आनन्द
(b) Learning / सीखना
(c) Injury / चोटिल
(d) Champion/चैंपियन
Q-2. Timid : Ass :: Cunning : ?
डरपोक : गधा :: चतुर : ?
(a) Ant / चींटी
(b) Fox / लोमड़ी
(c) Rabbit / खरगोश
(d) Horse / घोड़ा
Q-3. Train: Passenger:: Aeroplane:?
रेल : यात्री :: हवाई जहाज : ?
(a) Aeronaut / वैमानिक
(b) Astronaut/ खगोलायात्री
(c) Pilot/पायलट
(d) Air hostess / विमान परिचारिका
Q-4. Ecstasy: Gloom :: ?
हर्षोन्माद : दुःखी : : ?
(a) Congratulations : Occasion/ बधाई : अवसर
(b) Diligent : Succeeful / परिश्रमी: सफलता
(c) Measure : Scale / मापना : पैमाना
(d) Humiliation : Exaltation / अपमान करना : उमंग
Q-5. Country: President: State : ?
देश : राष्ट्रपति : राज्य : ?
(a) Chief Minister / मुख्यमंत्री
(b) Prime Minister / प्रधानमंत्री
(c) Speaker / अध्यक्ष
(d) Governor / राज्यपाल
Q-6. College : Dean :: Museum: ?
कॉलेज : प्रधान :: संग्रहालय : ?
(a) Curator / संग्रह अध्यक्ष
(b) Warden/ संरक्षक
(c) Custodian/ अभिरक्षक
(d) Supervisor/संचालक
Q-7. Mirage : Desert : : ?
मृगमरीचिका : मरूस्थल : : ?
(a) Sky : Illusion/आसमान : गलत फहमी
(b) Rainbow : Sky/इंद्रधनुष : आसमान
(c) Rain: Rainbow / वर्षा : इन्द्रधनुष
(d) Image : Mirror / चित्र : दर्पण
Q-8. Fish : Scales : : Bear : ?
मछली: स्केल्स : : भालू : ?
(a) Feathers / पंख
(b) Leaves / पत्तियाँ
(c) Fur / फर
(d) Skin / त्वचा
Q-9. India: New Delhi :: Pakistan: ?
भारत : नई दिल्ली :: पाकिस्तान : ?
(a) Rawalpindi / रावलपिंडी
(b) Peshawar/पेशावर
(c) Lahore/लाहोर
(d) Islamabad/इस्लमाबाद
Q-10. Writer : Pen :: ?
लेखक : कलम :: ?
(a) Needle : Tailor/सुई : दर्जी
(b) Artist: Brush / कलाकार : ब्रश
(c) Painter : Canvas/चित्रकार: कैनवश
(d) Teacher: Class/अध्यापक : कक्षा

About the author
I am Vaibhav Choudhary, Reasoning Teacher by Profession but Blogger by a passion. I would like to share my reasoning knowledge with students those are taking a preparation of government exam or competitive exam.