Seating Arrangement Reasoning Question is the most important topic in reasoning. Most competitive tests include these kind of questions. In this post we covered most important Seating Arrangement Questions and Seating Arrangement Tricks For competitive exam. Seating Arrangement Questions are asked in examinations like as MPSC, UPSC, SSC, Railway, Banking, Air Force, and Police Bharti etc. In this type of question mainly you have to identify the ranking of multiple person. By simply practicing seating arrangement reasoning, you can easily achieve a good marks. Let’s start Seating Arrangement Tricks and tips with some example of Seating Arrangement Question.

What is Seating Arrangement?
The Seating Arrangement Questions involves the arrangement of the person in a circular table, rectangular table or line arrangement with some given conditions. in order to solve this type of question, the best strategy is to create a rough practical diagram. once the diagram is complete, the questions that follow can be answered easily.
Types Of Seating Arrangement Reasoning Questions
In seating arrangement reasoning there are three types of questions are commonly asked, details are provided below. On the basis of Below information, Seating arrangement questions are asked in the examination.
- Circular Seating Arrangement
In this type of seating arrangement questions, the sitting position of people/members are in a circular form (Like a Circular Table). In a circular table arrangement sometimes it may be clockwise and anticlockwise direction also. seating position decides according to the facing position because sometimes it may be “Facing towards the center” or “Facing outwards the center”
- Square Seating Arrangement
In this type of seating arrangement reasoning questions, the chances of sitting positions of people/members are opposite and diagonally.
- Linear Seating Arrangement (Row / column Wise)
In this type of seating arrangement questions, the sitting positions of people/members are either vertical or horizontal. seating position decides according the facing direction of the “East, West, North, South” side.
Seating Arrangement Questions Formula
The best seating arrangements tricks is use below Seating Arrangement Formulas, According to the condition of question asked.
- To know the position of a person from the right side
- Formula : Right = Total + 1 – Left
- To know the position of a person from the Left side
- Formula: Left = Total + 1 – Right
- To calculate total number of members seating in a row
- Formula: Total = Left + Right -1
Seating Arrangement Tricks
Before trying to solve the Seating Arrangement Questions, it is important to understand the Seating Arrangement tricks, Which helps you to solve easily.
- Circular Seating Arrangement Tricks
When it comes to circular seating arrangements, it is important to understand how the seating arrangement has been described in the question. For example,- The seating of observer’s eye is “towards the Centre and away from the Centre,”. That help to identify, who is seated on the right and left.
- Square Seating Arrangement Tricks
When it comes to square seating arrangements, it is important to understand which seating position has been described in the question. For example,- The person sits at the corner of the square.
- Person sitting like face to face.
- Apart from that, a person’s view is “inside and outside the square,”
- Linear Seating Arrangement Tricks
When it comes to Linear seating arrangements, it is important to understand which seating position has been described in the question. For example,- Identify Axis of Seating Arrangement like, x-axis (Horizontal) and y-axis (Vertical)
- Find the person who sits at the first, middle and end of the line.
- Know the direction, In which Direction Person sitting on the line (e.g.: East-West-North-South), which will help in knowing the position of the person sitting on the right-left and up-down.
Seating Arrangement Questions pdf
Symbol and Notation | Distance and Direction | Clock Reasoning |
Seating Arrangement | Direction Reasoning | Paper Cutting |
Order And Ranking | Inequality Reasoning | Number Series |
Seating Arrangement Questions and Answers
Q- 1. Six friends A, B, C, D and F seating in a circle facing towards center. E is the left of D. C seats between A and B and F is between E and A.
(a) Who is seating immediate right of C?
(a) A (b) C
(c) B (d) E
(b) Who is sitting immediate left of B?
(a) C
(b) D
(c) F
(d) None of these
Q-2. P, Q, R, S and T are seating around a circular table. Ris to the right of P and second to the left of S. T is not between Pand S. Who is second to the left of R?
(a) L (b) s
(c) T (d) Data inadequate
Q-3. A,B,C,D,E and F are seating around a circular table. A is between E and F, E is opposite to D and C is not in either of the neighbouring seats of E. Who is opposite to B?
(a) C
(b) D
(c) F
(d) None of these / इनमें से कोई नहीं
Q-4. Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are standing in a circle. B is between D and C, A is between E and C. F is to the right of D. Who is between A and F?
(a) B (b) C
(c) D (d) E
Q-5. Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F standing in a circular boundary facing towards center. B is between F and C. A is between E and D. F is to the left of D who is seating between A and F?
QI. Who is sitting between A and F?
(a) E (b) D
(c) C (d) B

About the author
I am Vaibhav Choudhary, Reasoning Teacher by Profession but Blogger by a passion. I would like to share my reasoning knowledge with students those are taking a preparation of government exam or competitive exam.