Symbol and Notation Reasoning Questions and Answers

Symbol and Notation Reasoning Questions and Answers

Symbol and notation verbal reasoning is a way of representing and manipulating information using symbols. This can be done using numbers, letters, or other symbols. Symbol and Notation Reasoning is the most important topic for any competitive exam, in this post covered Symbol and Notation Reasoning Questions and Answers for government exams like banking, RRB JE, Group D, WCL, MPSC, UPSC and many more. Symbolic notation is a form of reasoning that uses symbols to represent relationships between things. This notation can be used to represent mathematical relationships, logical relationships.

Symbol and Notation Reasoning Question and answers, Symbol and Notation Question and answers
Symbol and Notation Verbal Reasoning Questions

What is Symbolic Notation Reasoning

Symbolic notation is a form of reasoning that uses symbols to represent relationships between things. This notation can be used to represent mathematical and logical relationships between the numbers and letters. In a competitive exam, symbolic notation reasoning can be challenging to learn ‘how to use different notation systems’. but However, once you become familiar with a particular questions, it can be a easy for understanding and as well as help to obtaining a good marks in a competitive exam. let’s understand some tips and trick to solve Symbol and Notation reasoning question.

Trick to Solve Symbol and Notation Reasoning Questions

Step 1: Read and observe the symbol and notation properly, that given in question

Step 2 : According to the given question, Replace the symbol as per given mathematical sigh or notation.

Step 3 : After replacing the sign, Solve the equation using BODMAS Rule i.e. start from Division, Multiplication, Addition, and last one is Subtraction.

step 4 : Choose the correct option, After solving the equation.
Let’s Start with some Simple examples of Symbol and Notation verbal Reasoning

Symbol and Notation Reasoning Questions and Answers

Q-1. If x means ÷, – means x, ÷ means + , and + means -, then
(3- 15 + 19) x 8 + 6 =?

(a) -1
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 8

Q-2. If X means +, + means +, – means x and + means -, then
8 x 7 – 8+ 407 + 2 =?

(a) 1
(b) 7\frac{2}{5}
(c) 8\frac{3}{5}
(d) 44

Q-3. If x means – , + means +, – means x and + means +, then
15 – 2 + 900 + 90 x 100 = ?

(a) 190
(b) 180
(c) 90
(d) 0
(e) None of these

Q-4. If ÷ means +, – means +, x means – and + means x, then
\frac{(36 \times 4)- 8\times 4}{4+8\times 2+16\div 1}= ?

(a) 0
(b) 8
(c) 12
(d) 16

Q-5. If ‘+’ means ‘divided by ‘-‘ means ‘add’, ‘x’ means ‘minus’
and ‘/’ means ‘multiplied by’ then what will be the value of the following expression?
[{(17 x 12) – (4/ 2)} + (23 -6)]/0

(a) infinite
(b) O
(c) 478
(d) 219

About the author

I am Vaibhav Choudhary, Reasoning Teacher by Profession but Blogger by a passion. I would like to share my reasoning knowledge with students those are taking a preparation of government exam or competitive exam.

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