30+ Venn Diagram Questions with Solution। Venn Diagram Examples

In this post, we are going to explain 30+ Venn Diagram Examples with a solution. Venn diagram questions is a part of logical reasoning topics. Venn diagram reasoning questions play important role in most of the competitive exams like MPSC, UPSC, SSC, Railway, Banking, Airforce etc. In this post, we also cover some previous year Venn diagram question that has already been asked in the competitive exam and also provide Venn Diagram Questions PDF for practice.

venn diagram reasoning questions, venn diagram questions, venn diagram examples
Venn Diagram Questions And Answers For Competitive Exams

What is Venn Diagram Reasoning

A Venn diagram is a diagram that shows a relationship between two or more sets with the help of geometrical representation like circle, square, rectangle, triangle. Venn diagram is a part of logical reasoning and It is the best way to find the relation between two set with the help of graphical representation. It is the easiest topic of reasoning, most of the students obtained good marks from this topic.

How Do You Solve Venn Diagram Question

In this post, we deal with questions in which aim at analyzing a candidate’s ability to relate a certain given group of atoms and illustrate it diagrammatically.  figures representing a group of items in the form of enclosed regions are called Venn diagram named after the British logical Mr. John Venn.  to represent this diagram we use different geometrical figures like circles, triangles, rectangles,  etc.

Step to solve Venn Diagram Question

Step1: Before solving any Venn diagram question you must have some basic knowledge about various things
Step2: after seeing the question start to make a sequence of items from given in the question
Step3: some sequences will match the relation but some will not.
Step4: according to the given option find the best figure who represents the best relation between the items.

Types of Venn Diagram

1. Universal Affirmative Venn diagram
Basically, there are four types of questions asked from the Venn diagram. Given below are a few different types of Venn diagrams with their use.

2. Particular Venn diagram
In this type of Venn diagram question,  two entities are connected and statements arise as some first entity belongs to the Second entity.

3. Universal negative Venn diagram
If the items evidently belong to 3 different groups, that means they are not correlated with each other in any way, called Universal negative.

4. Miscellaneous Venn diagram
In this type, we deal with the Venn diagram question which belongs to at least two types discussed earlier.  different types of cases that can be e studied under this type

Case1: In a Venn diagram question, If two separate groups of atoms are completely unrelated to each other,  but they are completely included in the third group,  then the relation can be diagrammatical as shown in logical Venn diagram questions and answers

Case2: In a Venn diagram question, When Groups of items have some common relationship and both of them are completely included in the third group, the relationship is shown by two smaller intersecting circles in a third largest circle

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Venn Diagram Examples with Solution

Let’s start with some examples of the Venn diagram Question and answers that are asked in government competitive exams.

Q1. Which of the following figure represent Lucknow,  Uttar Pradesh,  India.

venn diagram reasoning questions, venn diagram questions, venn diagram examples

Q2. Which of the following figure represent village,  district,  state.

venn diagram reasoning questions, venn diagram questions, venn diagram examples

Q3. Show the figure of the Venn diagram question represents the best relation between Haryana,  India, and  Asia.

venn diagram reasoning questions, venn diagram questions, venn diagram examples

Q4. Which of the following figures represent females,  mothers, doctors?

venn diagram reasoning questions, venn diagram questions, venn diagram examples

Q5. Find the correct Venn diagram image relation on  polygon,  rectangle and square

venn diagram reasoning questions, venn diagram questions, venn diagram examples

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