40+ Statement and Conclusion Questions and Answers

Statement and Conclusion is the most important topic in reasoning section. In most of government exam like MPSC, UPSC, SSC, Railway, Banking and in other exams 3-4 questions ask from this topic. In this post we covered 40+ Statement and Conclusion Questions and Answers as well as Statement and conclusion tricks that help you to solve other similar questions. In this topic A statement will be given, which will be followed by a set of conclusions. You must select the conclusion that most logically follows the statement. It is One of the best ways to test your ability to think critically and solve problems is by solving statement and conclusion questions. These questions require you to read a statement and then determine whether the conclusion that follows is true or false.

Statement and Conclusion Reasoning Questions and Answers, Statement and Conclusion tricks,

Statement and conclusion concept- Introduction

A conclusion is a correct argument from the contents of a given sentence . The questions in this section consist of a statement or a set of statements, followed by certain inferences based on the facts contained in the given statements. The candidate is required to analyze the given statements, also understand their direct/indirect implications and then decide which of the given conclusions follows logically and for sure, from the given statements. If you can solve these types of questions quickly and accurately, it shows that you have the ability to think logically and see through arguments. This is a valuable skill in many different situations, both in academic and professional.

Statement and conclusion tricks

By using following tips and tricks, you can easy to understand the solving method of Statement and conclusion.

  • Read the statement carefully and try to draw a circular figure according to the given statement, it help for easy to understand.
  • After that, determine the conclusion is valid or not, based on the information given in the statement.
  • If statement is formed with two or more statements then there should not be mutual contradiction in sentence.
  • Remember that, Conclusion should not go against establish fact and prevalling notions of truth
  • If definite words like all always, at least, only, exactly and etc. are used then conclusion will be invalid
  • If conclusion is provided with the stated example then conclusion will be invalid.
  • Read the conclusion and analysis the +ve & -ve conclusion possibilities by seeing the figure that you have drawn already. and choose the correct option.

Statement and Conclusion Rules

  1. If statement is (+ve) then conclusion must be (+ve)
  2. If statement is (-ve) then conclusion must be (-ve)
  3. Two negative statements can not be include in a conclusion
  4. one (+ve) and one (-ve) statement conclude as always (-ve), not (+ve).

Statement and Conclusion Questions and Answers

(Direction Q.1 – Q.21)In each question bellow are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at (b) variance with commonly known facts. Read the conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer.
(a) If only conclusion I follows.
(b) If only conclusion II follows.
(c) If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
(d) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.
(e) If both conclusion I and II conclusion follow

Q-1. Statement:-
All blades are sharp
Some blades are blunt
No blunt is sword

(I) All sword being blades is a possibility.
(II) At least some blades may be swords.

Q-2 Statement:-
All flowers are white
Some whites are beautiful

(I) All flowers being beautiful is a possibility.
(II) At least some white may not be flowers.

Q-3 Statement:-
All fruits are tasty.
No tasty is good.
All goods are yummy

(I) All yummy thing being tasty is a possibility.
(II) All fruits being yummy is a possibility.

Q-4. Statement:-
All mangoes are grapes.
Some grapes are black.

(I) Some mangoes being black is a possibility
(II) There is a possibility that some mangoes are not black

Q-5. Statement:-
All men are dogs.
All dogs are cats.

(I) All men are cats
(II) All cats are men

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